We all know it… “Cute=special attention.”  Puppies know it, kittens know it and babies figure it out at an early age.

I was listening to a radio ad about a local hospital and the announcer hesitated just an instant when he read the script and what I heard was: ” A Cute-Care Hospital”.  Looking back, I’m sure what he meant or even did say was: “An Acute Care Hospital”. But it was too late.  I heard what I heard and you can’t make me give it back.

Now that it is out in the open, I felt compelled to draw what I thought the hospital Admitting Room would look like in a Cute-Care Hospital.  Let’s face it.  How many times do you have to be upstaged by something or someone cute before  you acknowledge there is a double standard.  But, a whole hospital catering to cute people?!!  Give me a break….

Puppies and kittens?  Now, there’s a different story.