Being a Barber has it's challenges.

When  I was young, I used to give my bald-headed Dad a hard time.  My observation that he could part his hair with a towel was not well received.

I remember when he and a long-time friend would debate why some men get gray hair and others, like my Dad, go bald.  Both were college professors and had their own theories based on their own condition.  Dad argued that a person went bald because when the roots of the hair got deep due to age, the richness of the “Grey Matter” would burn the roots and the hair would fall out.  His friend, who had a full head of snow- white hair would respond with, “No, when a person goes bald it’s because the roots go down and find nothing and die of malnutrition.  On the other hand, if the roots strike rich Grey Matter, it causes the hair to bleach out!”  This discussion went on for several years in good-natured fun, each feeling they had won the debate.

Now that I have inherited my Dad’s hair “style”, I lean toward his explanation.  As I aged and my hair disappeared, I started asking my barber why he charged me the same as people with a full head of hair.  I felt I should get a discount.  He explained, in my case he couldn’t give me a discount because in actuality, he should be charging a “Finder’s Fee”.  I think I know how my Dad felt…

The standard line barbers use for bald guys when they get a haircut is to say: “A little off the top?” … Knowing full well that’s their only option.  Shortly after a visit to “The Tonsorial Parlor”, a local barber shop,  I happened to see a group of teenagers in the Mall and one of them had a really tall Mohawk haircut.  He also had three rings in each ear.  I thought to myself, “Now, there’s a guy that could take “a little off the top” and no one would notice!

I drew this cartoon and took it to the Tonsorial Parlor where it is on display.   They no longer ask if I want a little off the top.  I just got my hair cut (both of them) and this time was asked, “Would you like me to trim your nose hairs?”  Do women get asked these kinds of questions when they go to the beauty shop?


Women just don't get it....

I recently met an incredibly talented engineer, Rick Steele.  He has invented the ultimate tool for every guy’s toolbox… The TAPE WRANGLER, a DUCT TAPE DISPENSER!!!http://tapewrangler.com/FAQ_1.html.

Let’s face it… Guys LOVE Duct Tape!  Of all the amazing inventions over the ages, duct tape has to rank right near the top in importance to civilization.  Any guy knows there’s very few problems that duct tape can’t solve.  Unfortunately, women don’t get it…

After I met him and got my very own Tape Wrangler, I got to thinking about the importance of it and what is sure to be a landslide of new companion products featuring duct tape.  I also knew that women might not understand the importance of this new break-through, so I drew a cartoon depicting one of the many opportunities men will now have to please the woman in their lives.  I can hardly wait for the next thing to break!


You can send a kid to College but you can't make them write!

A lot of my cartoons are drawn to poke and needle friends and family.  When my daughter, Kris, went off to the University of Massachusetts in Boston to get her Masters Degree in creative writing, I naturally assumed they would teach her to write…. HOME!  Now, don’t get me wrong.  Not writing home is a long-standing tradition in the Evans Family and I probably have the longest streak of non-writing on the books.  But, that’s me and has nothing to do with what other people should do.

One of the advantages of being a cartoonist and thus holding and ultimately pointing the pen, I get to decide when a line has been crossed.  One day, after I had made the 50′ trek to the mailbox one more time to no avail… under the scorching heat of the Sun,  (I think it must have gotten over 70 degrees in Northern Michigan that day!)  I decided something had to be done to bring attention to this injustice.  You would think a prestigious school like hers would at least acknowledge the problem and have one of their first Core classes be something like: “Writing Home Daily-101” or, something like that.  It was time to act.  The cartoon was an attempt to point out an obvious problem in their curriculum.

Several years later, the tables have turned. I have to get up to speed on this writing thing… I promise to text Kris as soon as I figure out how to turn on my cell phone and locate the right application. LOL


Birthdays were the topic at our Senior Breakfast Club at the Big Boy Restaurant.  The talk drifted to all the usual jokes about growing old…  Most of it centered around the loss of a body function or your mind .  Or how the celebration interrupted nap time.  Or heat from the candles driving you back from the cake.  That kind of stuff.  There were a lot of laughs about the condition we are in and memories about the good old days… what we could remember.  What we didn’t remember, we made up.

As I drove home, I was reflecting on all the birthday celebrations I had attended over the years. My thoughts gravitated to the usual staples of birthday parties…cake and ice cream.  A few days earlier, I had overheard a conversation in which a person was talking about eating a birthday cake that had thick caramel and the problem of it sticking to his teeth.  I got an image of what that mean to an older person and the cartoon idea came to me.


This cartoon idea came from conversations I had while creating the storyline for my new Children’s book: “Discover the MAGIC of Rainbows: Annie Oxidant finds the path to Healthy foods”. During the process of  gathering information for the nutritional portion of the book, the term “Whole Food” came up a lot.  I happened to see a picture of a large police officer eating a donut and the image of the cartoon was formed.  Ironically, the first person that saw the cartoon wanted a copy of it.  Tony, her husband,  loves donuts and has the figure to prove it… Funny how that works!