SANTA GETS A TICKET…Caught in the act!

Santa got caught… I think it was in Brooklyn.  Afterwards, he would tell the elves he should have used the outside fire escape to get down to the basement apartment.  Parking on the street can get you in trouble!

Actually, the original drawing, done in the 70’s for a State Farm Insurance Company publication didn’t have a background.   I added it because I recently was in Brooklyn visiting relatives and had to find on the street parking… Not an easy task!

We all know Santa has a daunting task.  I’m hoping they let him off.  Even though we know, as the cartoon indicates, he has no defense for the charges.  Maybe, if he gave the Cop a donut…



In the spirit of a Green Christmas, I’m re-cycling some cartoons I drew back in the 70’s. 

At the time,  there was an ongoing “intellectual” discussion at the office about the number of miles Santa must have on his sleigh.  The conversation mostly centered on how many miles he had to drive to get the job done. 

I had an older car at the time and was thinking about getting another vehicle.  I was in the process of trying to get enough for my old clunker to justify making a deal.  A used car was on my radar.  Naturally, my thoughts turned to the problem Santa would have getting fair value on a trade-in when he needed a new sleigh.  

I suspect Santa would do like any car-owner trying to get the best deal… play-up the positives on his trade-in.  You know, along the line of: “I really love my old car and hate to let it go, but my wife wants a new sportier model.”…  That kind of positive.  Like, “There’s nothing wrong with this car.   If it were up to me I’d never let it go…It’s my wife, you know?”

Everyone knows the only reason guys buy new cars is because their wife makes them, right?

I’m not sure if Santa was able to make his deal.  If he did, I’m guessing his trade-in started a new business…CARFAX!


Wall Street vs Main Street Upside Down Cartoon

The cartoon used in this clip was created in response to the original Wall Street Bail-out. 

I am currently in the process of doing a video series demonstrating how to draw a variety of “Upside-down cartoons”… Cartoons, that when turned upside down, turn into something else. 

As I watched the evening news one night, I decided to do my own commentary using the cartoon as a backdrop. This cartoon was included in one of those training clips.  Now, you can draw it yourself!



Congress is out of touch...

The current rage for TV and Cable Networks is to produce “Reality” shows.  I have yet to watch one that reflects real life. The reason they are popular is that we  love watching someone else do stupid things… pretending to be serious.



Every once in a while I draw a cartoon that can be used in multiple ways. I drew a cartoon of myself to add to the Header for my website with the caption, “Welcome to my world !”.  It also had each of the characters of my books, Annie Oxidant, Phyto (her dog), TC Bear, Rudy Baga and Brock O’Lee, the farmer.

As I look at the drawing, I can see a lot of uses for it.  It looks like I’m telling a fish story about the one that got away.  Or, maybe, with a few lines to make it look like I’m waving my arms, it could be me saying, “Yoo Hoo!  I’m over here!”

I could be at Spartan Stadium (my college Alma mater) doing the wave or on the bow of the Titanic yelling, “I’m the King of the World!”  Put a wand in my hand and I could be parking a Jumbo Jet…. Or, Sky Diving.

As you can see, being a cartoonist is like being the Chief Executive of the Universe… We decide what it all means and what happens.  Now, I know what you’re thinking.  Why don’t I do something about the cartoon happening in Washington these days?  That’s another cartoonist’s territory. It’s out of my jurisdiction.  My Universe is pretty small…