Cartoon ideas come from interesting places…  Last night I went to a presentation by a Hand Surgeon on “Hand Pain”.  I’ve been experiencing hand pain from all the drawing and computer work I do.  As the Doctor explained some of the surgical options available, I identified myself as a cartoonist and asked how dexterity was affected afterward.

At the break, a really great couple came up and Jerry, the husband, said he had a cartoon idea but hadn’t been able to draw it to his satisfaction.  He asked if I could draw it.  He gave me some general ideas about playing football Up North… wearing snowshoes and skis .  This is what I drew for him.

I decided to post it now because I suspect this year there are some people who aren’t Up North that can relate to the problem of winter football and snow.

Should I have drawn it with snow-covered palm trees?


UPSIDE-DOWN CARTOONS….  Cartoons that change perspective when turned upside-down, seem to be a  good way to look at our Government in Washington these days.

I drew this upside-down cartoon in response to the Wall Street bailout.  Not much has happened since then to change my view of what went down… MAIN STREET WENT DOWN!

Having worked all my life for an insurance company, I found it ironic that the Government went against the basic insurance principles I was taught as a State Farm Agent to justify the Bailout.  We had a saying in the insurance business when describing policy language: “The BIG PRINT giveth… the little print taketh away.”  We had another more specific word for the little print: “EXCLUSIONS”.

I was taught the reason exclusions were necessary in a policy was to not have to pay for things that a reasonable person should be expected to take care of themselves, like routine maintenance on their house or vehicle, for instance.  “SUDDEN & ACCIDENTAL” were the cornerstones of the Exclusion concept for claim payment management.  If it was in any way considered intentional or a logical outcome of an insured’s activities, chances are it was excluded from coverage.

Think about it… First, the government decided to Bail-out AIG, an insurance company “too big to allow to fail” and then, adding insult to injury, they bailed-out the Wall Street criminals that used the same business practices.  Where were the EXCLUSIONS for paying out tax dollars for intentional acts when we needed them?  In most of the commentary surrounding the process, I heard experts on both side of the issue say, “It’s all about MONEY.”  Those of us on MAIN STREET agree… It IS about MONEY!…ours!  If you’re going to use our money…Bail US out!

My cartoon is about the  money… both Wall Street and Main Street ARE thinking about Money!  Unfortunately, for Main Street, it’s more of a dream (nightmare?) than reality.


CONGRATULATIONS GREEN BAY PACKERS !!! For once, the Super Bowl was Super.  As a lifelong Detroit Lions fan, I was surprised how easy it was to root for the Packers… After all, they have been frustrating the LIONS (who hasn’t?) for a long time!  I can relate to the sense of community created by getting behind local heroes who, by hard work and perseverance, overcome incredible odds to succeed.  This time, instead of HOOSIERS, its CHEESEHEADS!

CHEESEHEADS…. who would have thought something like that would take off and become a status symbol for sober people?  I LOVE IT!

As I was reflecting on the whole idea of Cheeseheads, I realized there must be a lot of cheese in households of Packer fans.  I visualized what it must have been like after the celebration and before the clean-up. I imagined that’s when the smallest cheeseheads, the original cheeseheads, would go to work.

This is going to be a great year to be a Cheesehead… I bet sometime soon, in Orlando, Mickey Mouse will be seen…wearing a CHEESEHEAD! How cool is that?!!


The local Natural Food CO-OP, ORYANA NATURAL FOODS MARKET, has a great newsletter. This is a cartoon I recently submitted for the newsletter.

Buy Local” fresh produce is the mantra of healthy eaters everywhere.  I wondered how that marketing approach would work for farmers in Northern Michigan this time of year.  Since I also know people living “off the farm” aren’t always clear on the origin of their food, I combined the two issues in a cartoon.  As the cartoon portrays, when in doubt…ask an expert.

A side note from an “Off the Farm” kind of guy:  Is Iceberg Lettuce a Winter Crop or do they really grow lettuce on glaciers?


In 2007,  we had a big problem for the Easter Egg Hunt due to a late, heavy snowfall and an early Easter. It was bad enough there was some concern that it not only would it be hard to find eggs, there might be some problems locating the kids after it was over.  Fortunately, to my knowledge, no kids were lost that year.

Since I had no small children at the time, I didn’t participate in the event… I could only imagine how it went and drew the cartoon to depict it.

As I was sorting through my cartoons with the blog in mind, I found this one and it made me think…not one of my strong suits, I might add…This year is looking a lot like 2007 for snowfall.  We need to plan ahead and call in the most qualified people to oversee this year’s Easter Egg Hunt…the “SNOWBIRDS”!  It might require an early migration back to the North, but what group of people should be more qualified to help?  Wouldn’t it be logical to assume that Snowbirds should be able to find eggs in snow and not lose their young ones in the process?  Just a thought…