This is one of my earlier cartoons but still one of my favorites.

When I worked in the Michigan Regional Office for State Farm Insurance in the early 70’s, we were encouraged to join Toastmasters to improve our public speaking skills.  I remember the conversations at the water fountains about the preparation and angst over speaking in front of a room full of co-workers.  It was brutal at times.

I kept hearing voices in the bathroom stalls…practicing their speech for the day.  At least that’s what I assumed was what I was hearing.  Now, you’d assume someone is having a conversation on a cell phone.  Strange how things have changed.  It isn’t any less annoying, however.

I never felt compelled to criticize another speaker, knowing full well my turn was next and my speech might be worse.  There were several times I wondered why someone would pick a topic guaranteed to bore.  The cartoon idea came from one of those speeches.  I don’t remember the topic…it was that bad, but I do remember the sound of someone behind me snoring softly.  I think I know who it was.  He openly admitted the only reason he joined was to be able to take a long lunch.

Looking back, I now realize possibly the greatest lesson learned was how to sit quietly in a corporate meeting with your eyes open, appearing to be listening with rapt attention when in reality, you checked your brain at the door.  Based on that theory, I’m guessing Congress is filled with people like that… they certainly aren’t listening and their brains ARE missing!