Its not easy…  getting old is not for sissies!

I eat breakfast with a group of Seniors most mornings at the local Big Boy Restaurant.  As often happens with Seniors, today’s conversation centered around the ailments, aches and pains of growing old.  We had it all…. hip replacement, carpal tunnel, arthritis, open heart surgery, hearing loss, walking cast, oxygen tank…  You name it, someone has had it or is going to get it soon.

These are tough people!  With soft hearts.  The best kind of people.  I didn’t have the courage to bring up my latest physical woes… How, after listening to their stories, do you mention that your body hurts everywhere and you’re so stiff you can hardly move?  Injuries sustained playing golf on a Wii Gamebox with a three year old! These are people who laugh at adversity and remain active no matter what.  My “injuries” wouldn’t gain  a lot of sympathy…   So, I listened, kept a low profile and didn’t complain.  You know, toughed it out so-to-speak.

But, I couldn’t ignore the fact that I was eating breakfast in a MASH UNIT!  In the spirit of companionship and support, I drew this cartoon.  Tomorrow, when I take it to Big Boy and show it to them, I’ll face the heat…  Like I said, “Growing Old is not for Sissies!”