I overheard a conversation between two contractors discussing how to get more production out of their workers.  The preferred method of motivation appeared to be “a swift kick in the butt…”.

I used to work for a company that seemed to think the only way to look businesslike was to emulate a penguin when dressing for work.  “Look professional” was the reason given at the time.  I always wondered about that.  It seemed to me, looking intelligent would be better.

In hot, humid weather, wearing a black wool suit and tie while visiting a farmer’s barn didn’t seem very intelligent… nor professional.  More like stupid.  I imagined what the company would come up with if they adopted the attitude of the contractors and devised a “motivational uniform” for their workers.  A cartoon idea was born…

I know for a certainty, the term “team player” would come up somewhere in the introduction of the new rules.  Then, true to corporate form, they would drum up an award ceremony to recognize those who complied.  What I’ll never understand is that it seems to work… for some people.  The others are probably self employed.  Either way, it  still requires a certain amount of “kicking butt” to get it done!