Mixing Politics and Investment Strategy…Sound advice?

This might be insider information but I have it from a knowledgeable source… the Seniors at Big Boy, “Bull Pucky” is on the rise.

The cartoon idea came from one of those tongue-in-cheek conversations about maybe it was best to supplement your Social Security by putting your money in Casino slot machines.  Not the companies that make them… a “direct deposit” so-to speak.  It seems a safer bet than trusting Wall Street these days. Continue reading Mixing Politics and Investment Strategy…Sound advice?

Baby Boomers: Will there be enough gold for the “Golden Years”?

The Baby Boomer generation is creating  “Battle of the Bulge”.  Baby Boomers might not like it but they are a bulge.

I was listening to a commentator recently who was talking about the current economic crisis and the implications for the Baby Boomer generation.  He described them as the “bulge going through the snake”.  We’ve all heard variations of this theme.

Continue reading Baby Boomers: Will there be enough gold for the “Golden Years”?